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What Clients Are Saying:
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** All reviews currently shown have been submitted by individuals who participated in 1-on-1 coaching, either in-person or online.

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Laura F.

Working with Peter as my personal trainer has been a game-changer for my fitness journey. He has expertise, dedication, and genuine passion for helping others reach their fitness goals. From the very start, Peter took the time to understand my goals and tailored a plan that challenged and motivated me every step of the way. His knowledge of different exercises, nutrition, and overall wellness was impressive and I’ve learned a lot. Peter's positive and encouraging approach kept me focused and committed, and he’s helped me make improvements in my strength, endurance, and overall well-being.

I am incredibly thankful for Peter's guidance and highly recommend him to anyone looking to elevate their fitness experience and achieve their desired health goals.


Lisa B.

"Coming in before I started working with Peter, I was frustrated and stuck. I had seen my weight go up and down for years, and it became harder and harder to keep it off, and I kept gaining more pounds.


When I first met Peter, I was really hesitant working with any kind of coach. I had never tried it before and it was brand new to me. I have a really busy schedule raising three kids and working full time with everything else in life on top of that.

Peter was so great at working with me and my schedule and building a program that worked for me! My biggest fear was committing to something that I couldn't keep up with. I didn't know if I'd be asked to work out every day and didn't think that'd be possible for me. But he told me, we can set this up where you just have put in an hour 3 to 4 days a week and be successful.​​​​​​​


I said okay and got into the groove of it, and found I could get the workouts done in 45 minutes, quick and efficient and not there for hours at a time. I lift 3 days a week and do cardio 3 times a week too, sometimes on my lifting days, sometimes not. We change it up a bit, but I've loved getting consistent in it and seeing progress.


The flexibility has been awesome. Peter's been so helpful in adjusting things when I need it when "life gets in the way," and I'm so grateful for that.​​​​​​​ 


With my eating, I now have so much flexibility there too, which is so much different than what I've tried in the past. When I tried diets in the past, I always thought that meant I could never have a piece of chocolate or a cookie, and if I did I felt bad about it. But Peter's shown me that I can have those things at times and it's okay. And even when I have my doubts, he would point me back to the progress I've made, and it's been so freeing.


Peter's taught me about sustainability and how to make that happen and helped me change my thinking and my daily habits. In the past, if I saw progress like this, I'd always believe that I was going to gain the weight back, but not anymore. I'm excited to keep going and keep making progress with what he's taught and how he's helped me completely change my approach to fitness. I've lost a lot of weight and inches and I know there's more to come. Thanks Peter!"


Jimmy C.

“I have been working with Peter for 15 weeks now, and I’m feeling the best I have ever felt. I've lost 24 pounds, shedded body fat and gained muscle throughout the time so far! He is super easy to work with, and gives you the perfect foundation needed to improve your fitness and health. He is very knowledgeable and teaches the proper exercise and nutrition that will lead you to live a healthier life. 

My experience has been excellent and I have seen great results thanks to his nutrition advice and exercise plan. He is very committed to helping me reach my goals and has been a great motivator throughout. I have continued to put on muscle and burn fat thanks to his knowledge and coaching. I have known Peter for many years now and I have seen his growth in fitness, and he is definitely someone you can trust and learn from. I have done all my work with him online and through text and he is quick with responding and assisting me through anything needed. I highly recommend Peter to anyone and everyone, because he is great at what he does, knowledgeable, and easy to work with!”

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Raquel R.

Working with Peter as my personal trainer has been awesome. He’s very smart, fun to be around, and helped me stay motivated, which has helped me exceed my expectations in my fitness. Thanks to Peter's guidance and support, I've achieved a lot of progress and feel more empowered on my fitness journey.


Chad D.

"Throughout the last few years, I had done all of the fads new trends that you hear about. I'd lose weight and then gain it back, lose it and gain it back over and over. I finally decided that I was committed to sticking to a plan and program. So all I was doing was cardio, and wasn't seeing much progress.


But I stuck with it for a while but wanted better results, so I started looking for coaches and trainers. But I was hesitant to jump in and didn't know who to trust.​

I found Peter and thought about reaching out to him for a couple months. And I'm so glad I did. I've learned so much about why I'm doing what I'm doing in my workouts, what to eat and how to eat so that I can still eat like a normal human and not have to cut everything out of my diet. It's been so much different (in a good way) compared to every program and plan I had done in the past.


So the best thing, I think, that Peter has helped me with is he really works to help me understand why I'm doing what I do, so that I can see success going forward when I'm on my own. I even want to build my own program for once instead of following someone else's. I know that I can eat more than just broccoli and rice or nothing at all to keep the weight off, but I can still enjoy my favorites. I know what I can have in order to maintain my weight or lose more, and how to build muscle now, because I know for the first time how calories work and how I can be successful by taking in the right amount.


I’ve learned so much and can't thank Peter enough for guiding me in the process and teaching me so much."

Jenna S.

“Peter is so professional, knowledgeable, and friendly! I knew it was going to be challenging, but fun. I learned to take my time and to dig deep. It was a pleasure because Peter is so personable and warm. It was nice to have a friendly conversation when you are doing something not so fun. Each day I worked harder than the day before. You helped me achieve that success. I enjoyed our mornings while improving each time. I would absolutely recommend Peter!”​​​​​​​

Tom S.

"Both my wife and I thought Peter was knowledgeable and extremely approachable. An immediate impression of a caring individual. I learned more specific and nuanced methods/practice to health and exercise. Much more in depth than general ideas and practices that are typically out there. Workouts are always high quality and at the right intensity level for each person.

I lost 30 pounds early on and have maintained it because of the practices learned from you. My experience was high quality and very beneficial. I would recommend Peter without any hesitation."

Shauna H.

"Peter is a highly motivated and mature individual who cares very much about the clients he trains.  He takes the time and personal interest in his clients goals, making each session fun and with impactful results. Peter comes with great energy and always has a smile on his face.  As a small business owner, I look for these qualities in the staff we hire. We miss him in Illinois!"

Sam Y.

"My initial thoughts when working with Peter were he was very easy to work with, knowledgeable, committed to what he does, passionate about fitness, and exceptionally friendly and approachable. I learned a lot about benefits of strength training and how to push myself. My experience was excellent and I saw great progress, and results including over 100 pounds of fat lost, muscle building, stronger core and abs, and more endurance. My overall experience was exceptional. I would definitely recommend Peter without any reservations.”

Peyton E.

"Peter is great! Very friendly and from the first session I could tell he was extremely knowledgeable! I learned that I wanted to continue in my fitness journey. I could see results! I always looked forward to our sessions together. Peter has great energy that is very motivating! Very relaxed but in tune with how far he could push me. My biggest results were in strength, weight loss, completely changing my mindset in regard to myself, working out and eating well, and the belief I have that I can do this for the long term! 

The workouts were fun, productive, informative!  They went by so fast! I would definitely recommend Peter without hesitation! Peter knows his stuff and can really tailor a program to anyone’s specific needs or goals! Peter is great at motivating his clients to get them to do their best…whatever that is on any given day!"


Steve B.

“I had the pleasure of working with Peter for about a year. Peter is both very personable and knowledgeable.  I found him to be both fun to work with and a great coach/motivator. He helped me hone my routine to generate the most benefit and always did so with a smile and a witty comment.

I had worked out with a personal trainer for a number of years at my home doing 40 - 75 minute routines 6 days a week. However, I am actually in better shape today having worked out just twice a week with Peter. I highly recommend Peter.”

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Rachel G.

"In years past, I had completed six marathons, three Tough Mudders, and two 70.3 Ironman events, along with numerous shorter distance events. But I’d been away from all of it for a couple years - a significant weight-lifting injury, major gut and mental health issues, and the grind of a very demanding graduate school program had me sidelined.

Having spent a significant amount of time healing, recuperating, and getting back to a generally healthy place, I was confident that this was the year to go for my long-term goal: complete a full Ironman. When Peter and I first discussed the possibility of working together, I was at a tough point: I had been training about two months for the Ironman but couldn’t seem to find real momentum or improvements. Although generally healthy, I was navigating health issues on a number of fronts: on a musculoskeletal front, I was trying to figure out the right exercises for increasing strength and endurance- ones that wouldn’t result in re-injury. On a nutritional front, I was at a loss: my metabolism had been so wrecked during the past couple years that I couldn’t seem to take in more than 1000 calories a day without fat gain. And psychologically, I was getting nervous, wondering whether I’d taken on more than I could handle…maybe I just wasn’t capable of this performance level anymore. I was frustrated by what felt like continually running at a brick wall on all of these fronts.


I committed to working with Peter as a sort of last-ditch effort to overcome these hurdles. I hadn’t been impressed by coaches I’d worked with in the past, where I'd tried the one-size-fits-all approach to nutrition and to my sport disciplines with discouraging results. But working with Peter was different. 


He tailored a program specific to my background and goals. He was accessible for questions and took the time needed to dialogue and troubleshoot challenges that came up. And most importantly, he guided me to think differently. He helped me approach long hours of training and nutritional work from a place of strength and with the commitment to succeed. Before long, I started to see changes: clothes fitting differently, more energy during long training sessions, and quicker recovery from workouts.


It’s fantastic to be able to eat well again- fueling my body with the calories it needs. And I love feeling stronger and leaner than I have in years. But the best thing is the confidence I’ve gained. I’m enjoying the self-confidence that comes with being content with my current progress while still reaching for improvements. And I’m utilizing the tools that Peter’s provided to cultivate the confidence that this Ironman is going to be my best event yet.


Peter’s different: he takes a personalized approach to his clients - works to infuse motivation and courage at whatever starting point they’re at. And then he sticks with them through the journey. Whatever your fitness journey has been and wherever you want to go, I can’t recommend anyone as a help to you more highly than I recommend Peter.”

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Laura D.

"My initial reactions were that Peter was very nice and willing to listen to see how to modify for me if need be. That while Peter is still very nice and willing to listen, he will push you to challenge in a very disarming way.  So it was never an argument of what I could or should do, more of a negotiation or reminder that I could try things that might seem out of my element or ability.

I loved our workouts!  While always challenging, I felt I worked hard and was successful. I feel stronger, lost weight and inches. You are easily connectable and I always worked hard. I would absolutely recommend you to others!”

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